
NSA Codebreaker Challenge (September, 2022)

Put your skills to the test in the NSA 2022 Codebreaker challenge! A US company has been crippled by a ransomware attack, and NSA is standing by to provide technical assistance to FBI agents responding.

CAE Designation Ceremony - Hosted at DU by DU/UCCS

The NSA (National Science Agency) evaluates and accredits institutions providing Cyber Security degrees and curricula. Institutions in our region (Northwest) that are being designated or redesignated are invited to join the festivities and be recognized for their contributions.

National Cybersecurity Management Case Competition

Two DU Teams Win at national Cyber Security Management Case Competition

DU R1 Research Institution

The University of Denver has achieved R1 status officially in February 2022. DU is the only private institution in the Rocky Mountain Region to be included. - (Update Feb 2022) hacking competitions

CAE-CD Program of Study Validation

The NSA (National Science Agency) evaluates and accredits institutions providing Cyber Security degrees and curricula. This is a rigorous and prestigious validation performed by security experts and other institutions. The MS in Cybersecurity program at DU has recently been re-evaluated and approved as meeting the standards of the NSA for cybersecurity education.

AFCEA Rocky Mountain Capture the Flag (CTF) Challenge 2022

AFCEA Rocky Mountain Capture the Flag (CTF) Challenge 2022

Mountain West Cyber Challenge - SIGN UP TODAY

Overview Event date - December 4, 2021 Event time - 8:30 am - 4:30 pm MDT Held Virtually Teams will compete virtually in one seven-hour round of cyber Capture the Flag to take home the title and great prizes!

Tackling Credential Abuse Together

Cybersecurity distinguished lecture series put on by UCCS

Ethics in Cybersecurity talk November 5, 2021

Description -- Ethics is a key component to cybersecurity professions, the technology can be used for good or bad, do you know the right call? Learn about how ethics comes into play on an international scale and how ethics challenges across the world are contributing to a need for higher vigilance and awareness.