2024 CyberForce Early Career & Collegiate Career Fair

Meet with employers

CyberForce Overview

CyberForce is a yearly competition for CAE member schools put on by the US Department of Energy. Students participate in a read team vs. blue team scenario where participants act as cyber defenders (blue team) in a simulated real-world scenario where they have to maintain and protect cyber assets.

There is an associated career fair this year open to all CAE students and alumni of CAE institutions. Sign up today!

Date and Time: September 12, 2024 12:00PM-3:00 PM Mountain time (1:00 PM - 4:00 PM Central Daylight Time)

Register for the career fair here!

2024 CyberForce Early Career Fair - Registration

Nathan S. Evans
Nathan S. Evans
Teaching Associate Professor, Academic Director for Cyber Security, University of Denver

Research includes networking, network security, software security and systems.