CAE Speaker Series, January 26, 2024 @ 1PM (Mountain Time)

Want a job with the NSA - NSA Hiring Lead Tips and Information


NSA’s hiring lead will provide information on current NSA opportunities for full time positions, student positions and the hiring process. Please join us! At the end of the session, we will also have someone from the CAE PMO office there to answer any of your questions regarding the CAE process.

Topic: Opportunities at the National Security Agency Time: 1pm MST (1 hour duration) Location: Microsoft Teams meeting Teams Meeting ID: 242 992 346 26 Passcode: kr5hEy

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Meeting ID: 242 992 346 26 Passcode: kr5hEy

Or call in (audio only) +1 872-239-6004, 786678758# United States, Chicago Phone Conference ID: 786 678 758#

Presenter(s): Madalynn Miller, NSA Hiring Lead

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Nathan S. Evans
Nathan S. Evans
Teaching Associate Professor, Academic Director for Cyber Security, University of Denver

Research includes networking, network security, software security and systems.